Department Level Data Capture Teacher Level Data Capture
Structure, Functions and Master Documentation :
About IQAC
Meeting Minutes
NAAC Grade Card
Chancellor's Award
Master Action Plan (MAP)
Performance of the Institution
News Letters
IQAC Committees
Peer Team Report
Quality Profile of UoK
General Documentation on University of Kerala (UoK) :
About UoK
UGC Recognition
Adoption of UGC Mandate
UoK Brochures and Fact Sheet
Admission Prospectus
Regulations Handbook
Handbook on Learning Outcomes based Curriculum Framework (LOCF)
Academic Handbook
Research Handbook
Research Policy
Graduate Attributes Video
UoK Annual Reports
Consultancy Brochure
KU Archives
Reports :
Academic Audit
Gender Audit
PWD Audit
Library Audit
Environmental/Green Audit
Hostel Audit
Access Audit Report
Energy Audit
Annual Student Survey
Research Methodology Workshop for Ph.D students in Social Sciences
MOOC Reports
Institutional Distinctiveness
Best Practices
Bench Mark Reports
Report of painting and essay writing competition
Student Feedback Report
Innovations in Teaching
3-tier Induction Programme
Restructuring Kerala Economy: Alternative Perspectives - Policy Document
Research and Innovation
Accreditation Report
Curriculum Fair
Policies and Charters
Outreach Activities
Questioning the Questions
Book Release - Five Lectures on Money
Miscellaneous :
Photo Gallery
Science Week Celebrations 2019
eBOOK series
Gandhi In Me
Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)
Academic Calendar
List of MOOC Courses 2016
University Skill Acquistion Programme
Procedure to take up GIAN II course
1000 Wiki Lights
University Diary
OBC Cell
Minority Cell
Student Grievance Redressal
Templates for MOU
Feedback On Curriculum
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Accredited by NAAC with 'A++' Grade |
The University of Travancore, which later became the University of Kerala, was formed in 1937 by a promulgation of the Maharaja of Travancore, Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma who was also the first Chancellor of the University. Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar, the then Diwan of the State, was the first Vice-Chancellor. It is the sixteenth University to be set up in India which then had ten colleges under Madras University, located within the State of Travancore.
The Kerala University Act (Act 14 of 1957) came into force in 1957 and the University of Travancore was renamed as University of Kerala.
The University has 188 affiliated colleges which include Arts and Science colleges and institutions in the discipline of Law, Management, Education, Physical Education and Hotel Management and Catering Technology, operational as Government Colleges as well as private aided and unaided colleges. Post Graduate courses in affiliated colleges follow the semester system while the under graduate stream have adopted the Choice Based Credit and Semester System.
University of Kerala is accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC and has consistently been ranked among the 30 best Universities of India under National Institution Ranking Framework (NIRF) since 2017. In the year 2021 we were ranked 27 among universities in India.
University of Kerala has won the first ever Chancellor’s Award for the best University in the state instituted by the Hon’ble Governor Justice P. Sathasivam in the year 2015. In 2017 University of Kerala was placed in the 801-1000 band in the ranking by Times Higher Education Network among the Universities across the globe. In the QS World Ranking 2019, University of Kerala was ranked 49th among universities in India.
Research and Teaching Departments
The University has 43 Departments which offer a wide range of teaching and research programs at the Post Graduate, M.Phil and Ph.D. levels. The courses in the Departments are conducted in the Choice Based Credit and Semester System. The 43 departments have been reorganized into eleven Schools. The University has also recognized a number of other institutions as research centres.
In addition to the Departments, the University also has several advanced centres for interdisciplinary learning and research like Inter University Centre for Alternative Economics, Inter University Centre for Advanced Material Research, Inter University Centre for Genomics & Gene Technology, Inter University Centre for Geospatial Information Science and Technology, International Inter University Centre for Natural Resources Management, Inter University Centre for Evolutionary & Integrative Biology and State Inter University Centre of Excellence in Bio Informatics.
As part of our social and ethical commitment, we have centres that promote cultural and social values in a pluralistic community, which include Centre for Gandhian Studies, Centre for Women’s’ Studies, Christian Studies Centre for Cultural and Social Change, Centre for Cultural Studies, International Centre for Sree Narayana Guru Studies, Centre for Vedanta Studies, Centre for Canadian Studies, Centre for Australian Studies, Centre for Comparative Literature besides a Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. Separate Chairs have been established in the University addressing our cause for equity and social inclusiveness. The Chairs are V. K. Sukumaran Nayar Chair for Parliamentary Affairs, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Chair, Mahatma Ayyankali Chair and Tagore Chair.
School of Distance Education
The School of Distance Education offers around 25 courses at the Graduate and Post Graduate levels under the Distance mode. This School is recognized by UGC and DEC and is well equipped with physical and human infra structure.
UGC Human Resources Development Centre
The UGC - Human Resources Development Centre (UGC-HRDC), set up with UGC aid, offers orientation and refresher courses to the teachers in affiliated colleges. The Centre has its own infrastructure in the form of training halls, computer laboratory and support services. The Centre is identified as an NRC of MHRD for Commerce in offering ARPIT for teachers across the country.
Library and Publications Department
The Kerala University Library, established in 1942, has over 3.5 lakh books and over 1000 bound volumes of journals. It is a depository of UN and World Bank publications and provides access to over 9000 on-line journals. The Campus Library at Kariavattom also offers similar services. The Oriental Research Institute and Manuscripts Library, which has an invaluable collection of rare and precious manuscripts, has been made the State Nodal Agency for the preservation and documentation of manuscripts. Digitizing of rare manuscripts is being undertaken by this Centre.
The Department of Publications, one of the oldest Departments of the University, has brought out a series of glossaries in science subjects, popular science books and translations of classics. The two volumes Kerala Sahitya Charithram written by Mahakavi Ulloor S. Parameswara Aiyar and the series Sahithya Nayakanmar (Men of Letters) are some of the most prestigious publications of the Department. The Chitra Ramayana, based on palm - leaf manuscripts, is another notable publication. The University has also published the first ever complete English translation of Hortus Malabaricus, the classical treatise on the plant wealth of Asia and the tropics, in 2003. Its Malayalam version was published in 2008.
The nine volumes of Malayalam Lexicon have been released by the Department of Malayalam Lexicon. Since 1946, the University has been publishing the Journal of Indian History, a significant publication on historical studies and research. The first e-book Swathi Tirunal’s ‘Bhakthi Manjari’ was published in 2013.
Other Institutions
University of Kerala has a state of the art centralized instrumentation facility supporting high end research in Sciences called Centralized Laboratory for Instrumentation and Facilitation (CLIF). The University has its own Astronomical Observatory facilitating learning in physical and space sciences. The Department of Physical Education has gifted outstanding sportspersons to the country. The University was the first in the State, to have a synthetic track. The establishment of the Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education at Kariavattom, managed by the Government of India, is another landmark in the history of the University. The centre for Adult Continuing Education and Extension (CACEE) is an important Centre under University of Kerala, which offers many short term courses like TV News reading, Functional English, Yoga etc. The CACEE received the UNESCO - NLM award for Literacy in 2005. The Department of Student Services encages in student support and welfare activities. Separate Health Centres in both the campuses is the unique feature of the University, health issues of teachers, students and staff are administered through issue of health cards.
The Computer Centre of the Department access a convergence point for data capturing and dissemination of information. University’s website offers several services like downloadable application forms, question papers of past examinations, free resource links, online catalogue on Library etc. The daily press releases and results of examinations are published on the site. The University also issues Degree Certificates with Hologram with over 112 security features. The System for Automated Governance of Examination (SAGE) developed by the Computer Centre is a unique facility which has enabled online registration and e-payment for examinations. The online degree verification system and the new examination and research portals are also the contributions of the Computer Centre. These efforts have won laurels in the form of widespread appreciation and the State Government’s award for e-governance. Admissions to UG / PG / CSS courses of colleges / departments affiliated to the University are now in the online mode.
On 28th December 2000, the University conferred the Honorary Degree of D. Litt. on Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen. The other scholars honoured recently through the conferment of honorary degrees are Dr. K. J. Yesudas and Dr. Laurie Baker (2003), Prof. ONV Kurup (2007), Dr. G. Madhavan Nair (2007) and Shri. Justice K.G Balakrishnan (2008), Shri. Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Shri. Mammootty and Shri. Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman (2010). In the year 2019 we have conferred Honorary Doctor of Science to Dr. Jayant V. Narlikar, Sri. Kris Gopalakrishnan and Scientist C.N.R. Rao.
The University of Kerala has widened its horizons by entering into academic collaboration with some foreign Universities like Michigan Technological University, USA, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, University of Hartford, USA, University of Warsaw, University of Shandong, China, Lousiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Lousiana, USA. The UGC has identified the University as one of the 26 institutions selected for promotion of India Studies by foreign students. In 2006-07, the University organised the Suvarnakeralam celebrations, to mark the Golden Jubilee of the formation of the State of Kerala. In order to promote Malayalam Language and literature the University of Kerala, along with Federation of Kerala Associations in North America (FOKANA) instituted an award for the best Ph. D. thesis in Malayalam produced by the Universities in state every year. The award named, ‘Bhashakkoru Dollar’ consists of Rs. 50,000/- cash award and a citation. University of Kerala has been host to 97th Indian Science Congress, Indian History Congress, All India Commerce Conference, All India Accounting Conference and All India Sociology Conference.
In connection with the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations several development and academic activities had been initiated during the Jubilee year. Developmental activities include Student Amenity Centre in the Senate House Campus which is named as K. R. Narayanan Memorial Students’ Amenity Centre. The O.N.V Kurup Memorial in the Kariavattom Campus houses the Departments promoting studies in Indian languages. Several International/National seminars and conferences have been carried out by the University Departments and affiliated colleges. The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled.
With an objective to impart quality in our academic interventions and attain global standards of excellence, we have initiated several interventions in the year 2018. Interaction with Eminent Scholars is an initiative to foster collaboration in research and exchange of views with globally reputed academic institutions. Award for Best Research Projects, Formation of Institution Innovation Council, strengthening of the Research Council are initiatives of the University in creation of Intellectual property as research outcomes. In the year 2019 we have initiated a programme for inter disciplinary learning entitled Annual Interdisciplinary Academic Meet and a programme to draw inspiration from eminent scholars entitled Meet the Scholars. Academic Audit is part of our exercise for introspection and reflection over corrective measures in our academic persuades.
University of Kerala is known for its social commitment and national integrity. We have initiated a scheme to promote care and affection for the elderly deprived through a Palliative care initiative. University of Kerala observed Kargil Vijay Diwas in association with Southern Navel Command, Thiruvananthapuram.
During 2021, University initiated several infrastructure projects enhancing building space and new academic initiatives through IQAC which include Travel through Nobel Winners, Meet the Scholar lecture series besides several workshops and training programmes.
Our commitment to social self-reliance is well manifested through the Harithalayam Project for cultivation of paddy and vegetables as well as Karshika Fellowship for students.